Whether or not you're in a B2B or B2C business model, one thing is clear: customer expectations are exponentially high and are increasing on the fly. The online world and its connectivity makes it easy to compare and judge prices, services and goods within a single click.
Competition is only one click away
As a matter of fact, people are talking online about what is happening offline ... and they have no mercy for bad behavior. Next to that, they have no patience, I'll tweet you back within an hour is unacceptable in the online world. Overtime their behavior changed: the bare minimum of service what your customer expects and receives in the online world has also become the bare minimum of service level and expectations in the offline world.
Harmonize your online and offline strategy
The biggest challenge for companies these days is how to harmonize their online with their offline strategy, support, service and channels. This often has a major impact on the internal processes and operations of a business. The online world is mainly ad-hoc, fast and fluid, but the offline and internal processes remained the same as they were before: rigid and slow.
Revamp your customer journey
Expi.me helps you to map out your customer journey and its touch points, both online and offline. We help you to better understand your customers, we deliver insights by using and visualizing data.
Together, we create a holistic 360 degree view on your customers, their behavior and their activity. We gather and activate your sleeping data in ERP or CRM systems and we use these tools to augment your customer focus to deliver a top-notch customer experience and service.
Workshop CX in a day
Do you want to know more? Are you exited? Do you want to take a flying start? Book our Workshop "CX in a day" and discover the potential on how to revamp your customer engagement and customer journey!