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Let's do an Uber'ke 2.0 - Uberrush

Writer's picture: | | Dimitri

Uber 2.0 - the Uberization of courier services.

Disruptors disrupt, that's what they do ... build a platform, create a network around that platform and share this network as a service towards the community ...

All disruptors have one thing in common: make sure that the service is as simple and great through the whole customer experience journey ... After all, these kind of services were created by by people having a bad customer experience ... they had an urgent need driven by disappointment or frustration to make these kind of experiences completely different. One of the most impacting and greatest examples of these kind of services is Uber: they changed the way how we 'humans" transport.

Now, Uber is world's largest taxi company, owning no vehicles :-). They created a service completely focussed on a great one-2-one customer experience: all done by using an app and as transparant and cashless as it can be: simplicity rules in its excellence.

So, what other community services could be possible by using this global Uber platform and service ... what other disappointments or frustrations could be solved and served? Well, as easy as it could be: courier services, delivering your package where and when you want it to be delivered ... instantly is necessary.

It has been a rumour for a while, but now it's official, Uber has just lauched its #Uberrush: an end-to-end courier service for on-demand deliveries.

So, what's the big difference or game changer here? Well, Uber uses its same customer centricity model and allows the customer to be in control of when and where your package should be delivered. This all with an end-to-end transparancy ... think about it: you can see your package nearing by as you watch the Uber app on your mobile phone :-).

It's you, the customer who decides when and where you want your package to be delivered .#Uberrush change will change package delivery 4 ever!

Because, we live in pretty amazing times


- Website Uberrush :

- Movie of Uberrush :

Check my tweet:

#disruptors disrupt, that's what they do.Simplicity rules in its excellence: #Uberrush change package delivery4ever

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